Vi tror på, at du tænker som os, at service altid er i fokus, og at du virkelig elsker mennesker. Som tjener skaber du og resten af ​​teamet følelsen af ​​at være i Sydfrankrig ved hjælp af mad, drikkevarer og vores varme omgivelser. Din primære opgave er at levere overvældende service til vores gæster.

Vi elsker mangfoldighed, og du kan have hentet din erfaring mange forskellige steder fra. Her er et bud på egenskaber, som vi tror er vigtige for, at vi falder i hak. Vi forestiller os derfor, at du:

  • Er ambitiøs og elsker at lære nyt
  • Har lyst til at dele ud af dine erfaringer
  • Er organiseret, selvkørende  og struktureret
  • Har en uhøjtidelig tilgang til tingene 

Derudover håber vi, at du er en glædespreder, en teamplayer, et energibundt, en menneskeelsker - kort sagt, en rigtig god kammerat og kollega. Du vil komme til at arbejde under vores restaurantchef..

HVOR: Boulebar Nørregade og Boulebar Allegade
HVAD: Fuldtid/deltid. 
HVORNÅR: Hurtigst muligt

Vi interviewer løbende. 

Om Boulebar

Boulebar er en værdidrevet bevægelse. Vi ser gerne, at du - ligesom vi - tror på en inkluderende og solidarisk virksomhed, hvor man har stor tillid til hinanden. Vi ønsker, at du skal vokse under dit arbejde, og derfor har vi fokus på udvikling og uddannelse. Der findes lige nu 11 Boulebarer i Sverige og Danmark - og vores rejse er kun lige begyndt.


ANSØG: Spørgsmål, CV og ansøgning sendes til [email protected] Navngiv din e-mail med den rolle, du søger.




We believe that you think like us, that service is always in focus and that you really love people. As a waiter, you and the rest of the team create the feeling of being in the south of France with the help of food, beverage and our warm environments. Your main task is to deliver overwhelming service to our guests.

We love diversity and you may have gained your experience from many different places. Here is a suggestion of characteristics that we think are important for us to fall into place. We therefore imagine that you:

  • Are ambitious and loves to learn new things
  • Would like to share your experiences
  • Are organized, self-driven and structured
  • Has an unpretentious approach to things

We offer an exciting workplace with lots of joy and care. Together we work every day to develop and offer our guests a unique experience.

WHERE: Boulebar Nørregade and Boulebar Allegade
WHAT: Full time & Part time 
When: As soon as possible

About us

We offer an exciting workplace with lots of joy and care. Just like society, boulebar is facing an exciting future. We are now about 200 employees at 11 boulebars in Sweden and Denmark. And the journey has just begun. Some would probably call us nerds. But the whole thing is about love for people. Between us in the company and to everyone who visits us. The company's core values have followed since the start in 2000 and permeate the entire business. Boulebar is based on joy, curiosity and adventure. Or as we ourselves say: freedom community and a glass of pastis. Read more about us here.

If you recognize yourself in the description, apply today.  


APPLY HERE: Send question, CV and applications to [email protected] Mention the position you apply for in the subject. The selection is ongoing.